Target Classes
STRAVA Specialty has a broad appetite across the contracting and environmental consulting spectrum. If you don’t see your risk type excluded below, contact us to explore coverage options.

Prohibited Contracting Classes and Exposures
- Oil and gas drilling/production exposures
- Contractors/developers with greater than 25% tract home building/design exposure
- Facility based operators for petrochemical refining, chemical manufacturing and nuclear exposures
- Work and/or services on coal ash ponds and impoundments
- Fixed based operations for any airport that involves fueling, refueling or de-icing

Prohibited Professional Liability Classes and Exposures
- Architectural, non-environmental engineering and geotechnical firms
- Material testing firms
- Piling, steel casing/infrastructure or site grading work for skyscraper construction
- Foundation and/or retaining wall contracting and/or servicing
- Fixed base operators for wastewater or water treatment facilities
- Bridge design or engineering
- Environmental consulting firms generating greater than 25% of their revenue via Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments
- Any firm for which civil engineering makes up greater than 10% of total professional revenue
Product Summary
CPL Basic Information
- Broad Insured language
- Coverage available in all 50 US States and DC
- Expert around the clock claims adjustment performed by North American Risk Services
- 24-hour emergency response hotline backed by nationwide network of environmental consultants and engineers
- Broad definition of Pollutant which includes silt, sediment, bacteria, Legionella Pneumophila and hazardous materials
- Definition of Bodily Injury includes medical/environmental monitoring, mental anguish emotional distress and shock
- Illicit abandonment built into form
- Restoration Expense includes the use of Green Building Materials
- Adverse Media Coverage included at a limit up to $250,000
- Separate and dedicated Legal Expense limits available
- 90 Day automatic Extended Reporting Period
- Pollution and Professional Loss include civil fines, penalties, and punitive and exemplary damages where allowable by law
- Blanket waiver of subrogation where required by written contract
- Blanket coverage for contracting operations performed by or on behalf of the named insured
- $250,000 in dedicated Cyber Liability coverage included on all annual practice policies
CPL & CPPL Highlights
- Limits up to $10M total policy aggregate
- Premiums and retentions as low as $1,300
- Contracting Operations Coverage on a claims made or occurrence trigger
- Professional Coverage available on a claims made basis
- Emergency Expense coverage available at a full policy limit with no duration limit
- Practice policy terms up to two years
- Project/OCIP/CCIP policy terms up to three years
- Extended Reporting Period up to 3 years for practice policies and the state statute of repose for project specific policies
- Completed Operations period up to twenty years for project policies
- Mold Matter coverage on a claims made or occurrence basis
- Non-Owned Disposal Site Coverage available on a blanket basis subject to claims made or occurrence trigger
- Your Insured Location coverage on a blanket basis for time element coverage or scheduled for full gradual premises pollution coverage
- Transportation Coverage on a blanket basis available on a claims made or occurrence trigger
- Pollution Protective Indemnity Loss Coverage available on claims made or occurrence trigger
- Professional Rectification Expense Coverage available at full policy limit of liability
- Professional Protective Indemnity Loss Coverage available at full policy limit
- Dedicated $250,000 Cyber Liability coverage for all annual practice placements (see coverage summary on Document Library page for details)

STRAVA Specialty utilizes a comprehensive, best in class underwriting portal allowing our trading partners round the clock access to quote and bind pollution liability products.